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Intern with NYPCC

Learn more about NYPCC’s hands-on internship program.

Are you the right fit for our internship program?

  • Are you pursuing a Master’s Degree in MSW or MHC?
  • Are you fluent in Spanish (bilingual English/Spanish)?
  • Are you comfortable working with a diverse population that includes clients that are ages 3 and up?
  • Could you maintain confidentiality and work in a professional manner?
  • Can you maintain appropriate client boundaries?
  • Do you have strong organizational and interpersonal skills?
  • Are you Entrepreneurial?

If yes, an internship with NYPCC might be right for you!  

What to Expect During the NYPCC Internship 

  • Each intern will have a caseload of between 10-12 patients and will conduct weekly psychotherapy 30-minute, 45-minute or 50-minute sessions.
  • Shadow other Therapists as they conduct therapy and intake sessions.
  • Obtain hands-on experience working with a clinical team.
  • Attend and participate in weekly clinical supervision with a Clinical Supervisor monthly staff meetings, monthly groups and ongoing training.
  • Work closely with a Case Manager who will assign you case management tasks such as collaborating with other agencies involved with patients and case assignments.
  • Undergo a thorough training of our Electronic Health Record (IMA) database where they will be responsible for completing OMH required clinical documentation such as weekly session progress notes, crisis intervention, annual treatment plans, and all documentation for the clients on their caseload.
  • How long does the internship last? We offer internships & Practicums. They last between 1-1 ½ years.
  • In-person internship (Weekday afternoon and weekend hour availability)
  • Are you looking for your final clinical placement?
To learn more email your cover letter and resume to: